Home Mortgage


Mortgage refinancing at Sberbank - conditions in 2019

Refinancing (or simply refinancing) allows you to reduce the interest rate on a mortgage, that is, to make it more profitable. Such a procedure has long been known in Russia, but it has been widely used only in recent years.

Mortgage for the 2nd and 3rd child at 6% in 2019 - conditions for obtaining

Until 2019, there were many mortgage offers for large families in Russia from various banks, including Sberbank. On average, mortgage interest rates for a young family were 7.5-10.5%....

Mortgages for large families in Sberbank, benefits and state support in 2019

Large families belong to the unprotected category of Russians. Therefore, the state meets them on many issues - this concerns the payment of housing and communal services, reimbursement of rent, land plots are provided, but in the field of mortgages, everything ...

Military mortgage in Sberbank conditions in 2019 (calculator)

Not so long ago, a state program was created for military personnel in order to provide them with additional social protection. The topic of the article is military mortgage conditions in Sberbank in 2019 (calculator below). Conditions for issuing a military mortgage ...

Repayment of a mortgage ahead of schedule in Sberbank in full or in part

In the event of the appearance of excess funds, many customers want to use them to pay off a housing loan. Early repayment of a mortgage in Sberbank in full or in part can be carried out in several ways. Early repayment...

Insurance when applying for a mortgage at Sberbank

When planning to apply for a mortgage at Sberbank, it is necessary to study in detail the issues related to insurance. You should find out the need and price of the policy, how insurance is issued for a mortgage at Sberbank, what situations are considered insurance. Another one...

Approved a mortgage in Sberbank, what to do next

Obtaining a mortgage at Sberbank is a rather complicated process, during which it is necessary to go through many procedures and fulfill a number of mandatory requirements. If you approved a mortgage at Sberbank, what to do next? This will be about...

Mortgage co-borrower at Sberbank

If the monthly income does not allow you to take a mortgage loan from Sberbank, it is permissible to attract additional assistance in the person of co-borrowers. We propose to consider in more detail who a co-borrower for a mortgage in Sberbank is and what requirements he must ...

How many consider an application for a mortgage in Sberbank

Today, Sberbank has many loan programs that allow you to purchase real estate. Each program has its own terms and conditions. A potential client should familiarize himself with a large amount of information in order to select ...

Mortgage deferment in Sberbank at the birth of a child

The problem of housing is acute for many young families. It is difficult to acquire it for one or even two salaries in a short time. A more affordable option is still a mortgage. Sberbank has long been working in this...
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