In order to obtain a cash loan, it is necessary not only to collect the required documents to confirm your financial situation. It is important to meet the standards that the bank sets for its borrowers. You need to know about the minimum age for issuing a loan at Sberbank and what other additional restrictions exist.
Age restrictions when issuing a loan at Sberbank in 2019
Getting a loan is available for customers of different ages, the limits of which depend on the lending program.
Available lending programs:
- For the military . It is possible to obtain a loan for various purposes, including the payment of a certain part or the first payment on a mortgage.
- With bail . If there is collateral, the amount of the available amount is limited by its appraised value and can be a maximum of 10 million rubles. The assigned rate also has an attractive size - from 12% per annum. The duration of the loan repayment in some cases reaches 20 years.
- Without collateral . You must submit proof of income. The maximum available amount is limited to 5 million rubles. The rate is determined personally for each client and depends on his income and loan parameters - from 11.5% per annum (auction rate). The maturity of the debt can be up to 5 years.
- With a guarantee . If it is possible to attract a guarantor, access to a more impressive amount and at a rate of 12.9% per annum is opened.
More details on the bank's page .
At the time of selecting the most suitable offer, it is imperative to find out the minimum age for issuing a loan at Sberbank . In most cases, there is a restriction - not younger than 21 years. For borrowers who have not yet reached this age, the possibility of obtaining a loan is allowed, but with a guarantee from older persons.
General requirements for borrowers
Lending to pensioners in Sberbank - age restrictions
Sberbank also has a maximum age limit for pensioners.
This is required in order for the bank to have guarantees for repayment of the loan debt. The maximum age limit also depends on the chosen program.
Maximum age limits for programs:
- with the provision of a guarantee - no more than 75 years;
- without collateral - not older than 65 years;
- for the military - no restrictions are provided;
- with a pledge - within 75 years.
These conditions are not used in practice in all cases. For example, if it is impossible to prove the existence of a job or own income, the age bar will be lowered to 65 years. This rule also applies to those loans, the terms of which require the presentation of collateral or surety.
In order to obtain a loan on the most attractive terms, it is necessary to provide a complete set of documents.
List of main documents:
- about the presence of permanent income;
- about the presence of work within the last 6 months;
- about the duration of the total experience for 5 years - more than a year;
- passport data, as well as personal information of the client and his guarantors (if any).
In addition, you will also need to present documents for the property that will be pledged.
Those who have active accounts, deposits, receive a pension, salary on plastic cards of Sberbank will be able to take advantage of favorable conditions. This can be explained by the fact that the bank already has information about the amount of income. In case of overdue payments, a debt is formed.
The minimum age for issuing a loan at Sberbank (video)
It should be borne in mind that in case of late repayment of monthly payments, the bank charges a penalty fee and establishes penalties. Under the terms of many programs, it is possible to repay the debt before the expiration of the contract.