They arrested the salary card of Sberbank (bailiffs) - what to do?


Recently, cases of arrest of bank cards that receive salaries have become more frequent. There are various reasons for this. If the salary card of Sberbank (bailiffs) was arrested - what to do? Each of the reasons will be discussed in more detail in this article.

Salary card arrest

First of all, it is worth finding out why this situation happened and who is to blame. In most cases, the blocking of a salary card occurs on the basis of a court decision or a decision of bailiffs. Similarly, the card is blocked if its user has a debt to the bank.

The main types of debt are:

  • outstanding loan;
  • overdue loan;
  • arrears in paying utility bills;
  • traffic fines;
  • other fines and debts.

To achieve the arrest of a salary card, a company or organization must submit an application to the court, which indicates the amount of debt. If the amount of debt is high enough, funds are debited from the card gradually, from each new money transfer. Bailiffs have the right to seize a salary card. This means blocking a bank account and restricting the execution of any monetary transactions on it. Depending on the amount of the debt, all or part of the money will be withdrawn monthly.

What to do in case of arrest of the card

If the bailiffs arrested the salary card of Sberbank - what to do? First of all, you should contact a Sberbank employee and find out the exact reason for the arrest. You can do this by calling the hotline 8800555 (around the clock and free of charge) .

How to remove (cancel) the arrest of the card account

If the card is arrested, you should use the proposed instructions:

  1. Sign up for a consultation with a bailiff.
  2. Collect all documents that confirm the reason for the arrest of the salary card.
  3. Learn in detail the laws and regulations that apply to the case.
  4. Draw up an application in which you should indicate that it is on this card that the salary is accrued. The application prescribes the amount of salary, which is confirmed by a corresponding certificate from the accounting department with data for the last six months.
  5. The bailiff will decide in court to remove the arrest.
    Perhaps in the future, a smaller amount will be written off in favor of the company to which there is a debt. After this procedure is done, Sberbank will receive information about the removal of the arrest. In this case, more than half of the income cannot be withdrawn from the card.

There are situations when the card is arrested without a court decision. In this case, the truth will be on the side of the user: you need to go to the Sberbank branch, write a statement in which you indicate the illegality of the blocking and demand that the bank employee remove the arrest. Here it is necessary to indicate that the funds that are credited to this card are the only source of income and then there is every chance that at least half of the amount will be returned to your account.

Legal advice and recommendations

According to the available reviews, it can be concluded that there are many bureaucratic moments in resolving this issue. It happens that bailiffs and bank employees do not take responsibility and do not solve the problem.

To avoid this, experts advise collecting all their appeals to the court and making copies of applications that are submitted to the bank branch.

The bailiff refuses to remove the arrest from the card - what to do?

If the bailiff refuses to accept the application, you must contact the higher authorities, that is, the senior bailiff, as soon as possible. In parallel with this, a written complaint should be drawn up to the prosecutor's office, in which it should be indicated that the bailiff refuses to fulfill his duties.

Sometimes the card is under arrest without a writ of execution. Then bank employees send the client to court, and the bailiffs report the absence of a writ of execution. Once in such a situation, you should act quickly and persistently. the prosecutor's office, the FSSP and other higher authorities will become the instance for appeal.

However, there are even more difficult situations in which the salary card is blocked. For example, it happens that money is debited from a salary account, but it never reaches the bailiffs. The reason for this may be the lack of a document regarding the need to transfer funds. You will have to collect a package of necessary documents and submit them to the central branch of Sberbank. Usually, this procedure takes more than a month.

Recommendations of people who have encountered this problem

Many experts, as well as users whose payroll cards were under arrest, recommend taking loans more carefully and more carefully controlling the repayment of their debts to various companies. In addition to the salary account, the arrest can also be imposed on the mother's account (money accrued to the mother after the birth of the child).

To save your money, as well as to protect yourself from bureaucratic delays, you should pay off any debt obligations on time.

When closing a loan, you always need to control its completeness. There are cases when the presence of a penny debt led to regularly accrued fines. Often, you can find out about the growing debt only after the bailiffs have arrested the salary card of Sberbank. What to do in such a situation is written above.

If you are sure that there is no debt, you need to seek the help of a lawyer.

Video instruction on how to remove an arrest from a Sberbank card

To understand in more detail what needs to be done when blocking a salary card, you should pay attention to the detailed video instruction on solving this problem.