How to find out the account of a Sberbank card


Now many advantages have opened up for plastic card holders. It became possible to perform a wide variety of financial transactions instantly. For convenient use of maps, you need to know certain subtleties of application. One of the most common questions asked by their owners is how to find out the Sberbank card account on their own.

Card number and personal account number in Sberbank

Most Sberbank customers do not even suspect that the number of a plastic card and its account are completely different data. The card number itself is located on the front side of the card and includes 16 digits.

The account cannot be found on either side of the card. How can this information be obtained?

Several ways to find out the card score

You can use the following methods to check your account balance:

  • by phone support ;
  • from a plastic card service agreement;
  • through a mobile application;
  • at the branch of the bank where the card was issued;
  • in the personal account " Sberbank Online ";
  • in a special envelope where the PIN code of the card is written;
  • using an ATM.

For security reasons, it is impossible to clarify the current account using only one card number. In addition, only the owner of the card has such an opportunity.

Account number in the card service agreement

At the time of issuing any card, a special agreement is drawn up, a copy of which is issued to the client. The account number usually consists of 20 digits. The standard contract when receiving a card at Sberbank of Russia looks like this:

The bank card account is located at the bottom left of the document.

Account number on envelope with PIN code

Envelopes with a PIN code are rarely used, because often, the PIN code is chosen personally at an ATM or terminal, with a bank employee.

The card account can be seen in an envelope with a PIN code.

At the time of issuing a plastic card, documents are drawn up, the list of which also includes an envelope with a PIN code, which also contains the number of the current account of the card. It can be seen on the left side, directly below the surname. The number consists of 20 digits, at the end of which the currency available for use is indicated: 34784703861614283501 RUR.

Personal appeal to the branch of Sberbank

Another way to find out the account of a Sberbank card is a personal visit to the bank branch where the card was received. This may require the presence at the workplace of the head of the department. Details for making transfers to the card include information about the personal account.

Thus, mistakes that often occur when specifying the card account will not be made.

Phone call to support

You can make a call to the support service at any time by calling 8 (800) 555 55 50. To clarify the current account, you need to tell the specialist not only the card number, but also your personal data: date of birth, full name.

You should say the secret word that was indicated at the time of drawing up the contract for servicing the card.

If the code word is forgotten, then a bank representative may ask for additional information, such as passport data. This is required to complete client identification.

Find out the personal account number through Sberbank Online

Another way to find out the account number of a Sberbank card is Sberbank Online . You must first obtain a password and login (identifier). They are provided at the time of card issuance or issued at an ATM.

After logging into Sberbank Online, you need to open a special section "Cards" and select the item "Card information" in it. To obtain the required information, you need to open the "Details for transferring funds to a card account" tab. As a result, it will be possible to get acquainted with the complete information about the bank card, including the personal account.

  1.  Open the "Cards" section and select the one you need.
  2. In the tab that opens, select a special item - "Information on the card".
  3. Information about the account of the selected Sberbank card will open.
  4. We receive details for making transfers to the card account.

In Sberbank Online, you can check the account number the fastest. This method is considered the most acceptable for those clients who are currently outside the country.

Obtaining information by account number at an ATM

The main menu of different ATMs may differ.

A clear and simple menu interface helps to open the necessary section to clarify the personal account of the card. All possible actions with cards that can be carried out through an ATM are detailed on the screen. If you open the section where funds are withdrawn or credited to the card, you can find out information about the personal account.

On the mobile app

A special application allows you to use the Sberbank card as comfortably as possible. Information about the personal account is available in the special section "About the card" or in the item "Show details".

  1. First, choose the type of card.
  2. We find information about it.
  3. All the necessary information appears.

We talked about all the relevant ways to find out the account of a Sberbank card. After reviewing them, everyone can choose the option that is the most simple and comfortable at the moment.